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So the reluctance of sell knight gold people to bring it.

The new grade has been open non-stop for strangers in strange map of the player level and whether they know that they pursue goals is to where? It is said that the weapons division incantation difficult not to start higher, but due to a very small blood volume increases, leading to division in the copy will incantation will need some time playing the spirit of one hundred and ten, the best way to attack Close your eyes and look forward to death not to be explosive.Very rare high-power assassin weapons, property value, banditry, an essential tool for travel home, but unfortunately after allegedly equipment, appearance is very common and does not feel consistent with their capabilities.At first glance, do not attribute a low arms, but is its sense of moderation is not a color, but no other weapons in comparison, so the reluctance of sell knight gold people to bring it. Of course, too simple effect is believed to have players like.This weapon is said to be extraordinarily high degree of difficulty, to the time in major cities and rare appearance on the still good, with sharp among the golden light, giving a soft but just the feeling.

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